Travis Laplante,
Qigong Practitioner
Travis Laplante is a certified Qigong Healer. He has studied for many years with Qigong Master Robert Peng and has undergone rigorous traditional daily training in order to cultivate his abilities to help others.
In addition to his ongoing studies with Master Peng, Laplante also studies with Laura Stelmok. He has also studied with Qigong master Chunyi Lin.
Laplante has taught Qigong internationally, and continues teaching classes in New York City. He has held a private Qigong healing practice in Brooklyn since 2010 where he serves the community of New York City.
Travis's words on how he came to Qigong:
A major shift in my life began when I was twenty-four. I was struggling to keep my life together: I was working a high-stress sales job, trying to maintain a heavy music-touring schedule, and struggling to keep a relationship afloat. I was almost constantly sick, having at least a cold, if not strep throat, the flu, or any other virus that was going around. As soon as I was able to get over an illness, the next one would arrive. I also had low energy and was chronically tired, despite needing to sleep for nine or ten hours every night. One day, as I was rushing down the street, late for a work appointment, my body finally said, "No more," and collapsed, leaving me in a state of severe vertigo. After suffering from vertigo for several months and finding no relief from the various doctors I consulted, I was led to Chinese Medicine. It was through Chinese Medicine that my symptoms not only subsided, but I also gained a new outlook on life. It was during this turning point that I discovered Qigong, which seemed like it was invented especially for me.
Qigong has been a powerful self-healing method that I can take anywhere with me. (It is especially great for those who travel or have irregular schedules.) It has helped to keep my body healthy and has greatly boosted my immune system. (I haven't needed to go to the doctor since I began practicing Qigong.) Through Qigong, I have also developed a much larger container, figuratively speaking, through which I can handle life's various stresses and emotional traumas. Qigong has greatly improved my overall sense of happiness and has, most importantly, provided me with the opportunity to help others become happier and healthier, an opportunity that I am so grateful for.